Google BigQuery

There are two options for connecting to Google BigQuery:

Using the odbc package

The odbc package, in combination with a driver, provides DBI support and an ODBC connection.

Driver options

  • BigQuery - The official BigQuery website provides instructions on how to download and setup their ODBC driver: BigQuery Drivers

  • Posit Professional Drivers - Workbench, RStudio Desktop Pro, Connect, or Shiny Server Pro users can download and use Posit Professional Drivers at no additional charge. These drivers include an ODBC connector for Google BigQuery. Posit delivers standards-based, supported, professional ODBC drivers. Use Posit Professional Drivers when you run R or Shiny with your production systems. See the Posit Professional Drivers for more information.

Connection Settings

The easiest way to connect to BigQuery is through a Google service account. There are 5 settings needed to make a connection using a Google service account:

  • Driver - See the Drivers section for setup information
  • Catalog - The name of the BigQuery project
  • Email - The Google service account email address
  • KeyFilePath - The full path to the .pl2 or .json key file. See here for more details.
  • OAuthMechanism - Set to 0 to authenticate as a service account
con <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
                      Driver         = "[your driver's name]",
                      Catalog        = "[BigQuery project name]",
                      Email          = "[Google service account email]",
                      KeyFilePath    = "[Full path to key file]",
                      OAuthMechanism = 0)

Using the bigrquery package

bigrquery is a database interface for R. This version is aimed at full compliance with the DBI specification. For more information, visit bigrquery’s official site:

To install from CRAN:

The development version from github:

To install the development version:

# install.packages("remotes")

To connect:


con <- dbConnect(
  project = "publicdata",
  dataset = "samples",
  billing = billing
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